
Tuesday, 15 November 2011


I bought a 12" by Willie Burns (snigger) on L.I.E.S. a little while back. I'd like to say I've bought all their releases since, but disorganisation and laziness have led me to haphazardly follow them on Soundcloud instead.

Fantasy MD is quite a nice track from the Willie Burns release. Built from pure Chicago components, although too slow and sweet to be a real jacker, it's the keen non-stop synth lines (sometimes they go back and forth like a conversation!) that makes this gentle-hearted track endearing. Key Horizon runs on a looped piano riff, and a a stabby synth line competes for attention. A solidly polite throwback track with mildly euphoric undertones  -  I know, I know, steady on.

L.I.E.S. stand out as a label because they're making really decent house in NYC. Other neat US House labels are Future Times from Washington DC and 100% Silk who are West Coast, and of course there's Chicago and Detroit. There's Jus Ed and Levon Vincent, and obviously they are pretty damn serious about house.. but outside their boutique set-up, there's not really labels released a variety of good stuff.. except now L.I.E.S. are here to save the day. Phew.

The label is masterminded by a guy called Ron who had some stuff to release, and his friends did too. He works at A1 records, which sounds like NY's answer to the Notting Hill Music and Video record shops. Anyhow, across the label's releases so far there is a mix of more and less dancefloory stuff but I guess it could be all be described as analog house, raw and lo-fi with lots of synths, handclaps and drum machines. Some of it is definitely not designated for dancefloors, but it's still great, atmospheric and woozy. It's interesting house. It's fun and it's got a nice personality, and an aesthetic that's left of centre and a bit vintage (well, back to the future).

I could have picked any of their tracks from Soundcloud but i especially liked this expansive technoish number from an earlier release. Soo good, be sure to listen.

Steve Moore-Frigia (L.I.E.S. 003)

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